文档分类: 语言文学 文档上传会员:落雪听梅 上传时间:2017-11-27
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关键词:马克吐温;  亚当夏娃日记; 儿童化语言;  陌生化; 女性主义


Mark Twain is a famous American writer. His works The Diaries of Adam and Eve was written after his wife's death, which is Mark Twain's later work. The writing style and the choice of theme of this work are very different from his early works. This thesis mainly researches on the writing style changes in this novel in comparison with One Million Pound Bank-Note. This thesis primarily talks about the using of concise language, childish language, defamiliarization and the embodiment of the feminism.

Key Words: Mark Twain; The Diaries of Adam and Eve;childish language; defamiliarization; feminism

相关文章推荐: TAG: 马克吐温 亚当夏娃日记