文档分类: 语言文学 文档上传会员:励志师 上传时间:2017-11-27
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   《呼啸山庄》是一部爱情和复仇为一体的悲剧小说。在这本小说中,女主角凯瑟琳是这场悲剧的主要导演者,她的性格缺陷则是主要原因。男主角希斯克利夫为了失去的爱而进行一系列的报复行为,则是悲剧的执行者。本文通过剖析主人公希思克厉夫和凯瑟琳的自私性格, 提出自己的看法。希斯克利夫并非悲剧的主要责任者,他只是一系列复仇行动的执行者。悲剧的真正导演者和责任人应是长期被人们同情和怜悯的凯瑟琳。



Wuthering Heights is defined as a fiction of love, revenge and tragedy. In this work, the heroine Catherine is the principal director of the tragedy and the main reason is her character flaws. The hero Heathcliff is the executor of the tragedy. After he loses his love,he makes a series of retaliation. This paper analyzes Heathcliff’s and Catherine’s selfishness and then put forward a viewpoint. Heathcliff is not the main responsible person of the tragedy. He is only the executor of a round of revenge and the victim of the conflict. The real director of tragedy should be Catherine who is always being sympathetic.

Key words: Wuthering Heights; Heathcliff; Catherine; selfishness

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