文档分类: 语言文学 文档上传会员:蓝天白云 上传时间:2017-11-27
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    Death of a Salesman is an outstanding modern drama written by Arthur Miller, which presents a tragedy that a person is willing to sacrifice or betray his life to pursue American Dream. In Death of a Salesman, the hero, Willy Loman, breaks the image of “Somebody” in the traditional tragedies. On the contrary, he is just a “Nobody”, an ordinary salesman in America. He regards material reward and being well-liked as his two sons’ most important life goal. Gradually, he gets lost in the jungle of modern city and cannot find any way out. Eventually, he commits suicide.
    This paper tries to analyze specific demonstrations of Willy Loman’s tragedy, including the failure of his career, family and his being lost in between reality and dream, the present and the past as well as life and death, to dig out the reasons of his tragedy. The major reasons include his wrong interpretation of American Dream and the stimulation of the social situation, as well as his own personalities contributing to the tragedy, such as stubbornness, self-deception and vanity. To a certain extent, his tragedy is not an occasional but an inevitable outcome.
This paper will analyze the tragic fate of the protagonist through the demonstrations of his tragedy and the causes of it to help the readers have insight into his tragedy and further understand the writer’s tragedies himself.

Key words: Death of a Salesman, Willy Loman, tragedy, reasons



关键词:《推销员之死》   威利洛曼   悲剧   原因

相关文章推荐: TAG: 悲剧 推销员之死