文档分类: 语言文学 文档上传会员:ー尾紅 上传时间:2017-11-27
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The paper is inspired by the recurrent immoral subjects in literary works. Two British and American literary classics of The Scarlet letter and The French Lieutenant’s woman are used as the research material. First of all, a comparative study of the literary works is achieved through the study from various aspects such as image, writing technique, theme, literary criticism and so on. Then, the Bible and the Greek mythology, the essence of western civilization, are read to learn about concept and development of sin and morality, as well as the world view of western people reflected in the two literary works . Finally , the reason why the immoral themes recur and how sin works in the intellectual and psychological development of people, especially women are both analyzed.

Key words: Archetypal criticism;Original Sin;Morality;Comparative study.

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