- 阐释学视角下《道德经》中天下一词的翻译_翻译专业英语论文
Abstract: Tao Te Ching, also called Lao Zi, is an important philosophical work in pre-Qin times in China. Composed of only less than 5,000 Chinese characters in the Spring and Autumn period, Tao Te Ching is praised for its profoundness as a represent...
- 从阐释学的角度对《道德经》两个英译本的比较研究_翻译专业英语论文
Abstract: Tao Te Ching is the work of Taoism with a complete philosophy system. As the fundamental work of Taoism, Tao Te Ching has a far-reaching implication towards China and even the whole world. The traditional prescriptive studies stress the com...
- 基于语料库的《道德经》翻译研究_翻译专业英语论文
Abstract: The word De in Lao Tzu contains rich connotations, and the Tao Te Ching has been studied and translated by a large number of scholars at home and abroad. The translations are different from each other, and, the accuracy of the translated ve...
- 从认识论的角度探讨《道德经》中的道及其翻译_翻译专业英语论文
Abstract: When we talk about Tao, the first thing we think of is Tao Te Ching. So in this paper, we probe into Tao and its translations in Tao Te Ching, which has 81 chapters in total with Tao mentioned 74 times as one of the most frequently used ter...
- 基于语料库方法的《道德经》中无的翻译_翻译专业英语论文
Abstract: A large number of scholars at home and abroad have learned and translated Tao Te Ching, and the translations are different from each other. As a significant philosophical concept, the translation of wu remains quite controversial because of...
- 《道德经》的翻译探究_翻译专业英语论文
摘 要 道德经集中体现道家的哲学思想,是中华文化的精华所在,同时也是中国古籍的经典之作。道德经在西方一直享誉盛名,拥有的外文译本的数目仅次《圣经》。西方对《道德经》的翻译由...
- 《道德经》思想在企业管理的应用_商务英语论文
摘要 道家(老子)的思想体系包含着丰富,精妙的管理智慧,时至今日他们仍对现代企业管理有着非同一般的深远影响和启迪。老子并没有对企业问题做过具体明确的表达,正是因为这一点,...
- 《道德经》英文译本中的文化缺失及翻译补偿_翻译专业英语论文
摘 要 道德经集中体现道家的哲学思想,是中华文化的精华所在,同时也是中国古籍的经典之作。道德经在西方一直享誉盛名,拥有的外文译本的数目仅次《圣经》。西方对《道德经》的翻译由...
- 文化翻译中译者的主体性——以《道德经》的两个英译本为例_翻译专业英语论
摘要 本文从文化翻译的角度研究译者主体性,着重分析文化翻译与译者主体性的关系。两者之间的关系主要表现在:译者主体性从翻译准备阶段至翻译作品完成,自始至终影响并制约着文化翻译...
- 理雅各与林语堂《道德经》英译本的比较研究
Abstract Tao Te Ching is also called Laotse. The concepts of Tao, Wuwei and the dialectic ideology in Tao Te Ching have a profound influence. Such passion of research even spreads abroad. It is estimated that there are over two hundred English transl...
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