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  • 二语习得中性格对口语表达的影响_英语论文.doc
  • 二语习得中性格对口语表达的影响_英语论文 Influence of Personality on Spoken English in SLA 摘要 近年来,随着外语教学交际法在中国的逐渐推广与深入以及各国家间往来交流日益频繁,口语越来越受到人们的重视,口语方面的研究也成为许多学者关注的焦点。由于个体差异是...
  • 汉语对英语句法习得的负迁移研究_英语论文.doc
  • 汉语对英语句法习得的负迁移研究_英语论文 Study on Chinese Negative Transfer in English Syntactic Acquisition 摘要 由于母语和英语的不同句法系统,母语的干扰来自语言的各个层面,特别是在句法层面,不同于母语的英语句法而频频出现句法错误。母语对外语的影响被界定为语言...
  • 儿童与成人母语对二语习得的差异_英语论文.doc
  • 儿童与成人母语对二语习得的差异_英语论文 Differences between Children and Adults in the Effects of Mother Tongue on SLA 摘要 本文阐述了儿童与成人母语对二语习得的差异,将母语与二语习得的差异作为切入点,通过对第一语言和第二语言习得理论以及迁移理论的回顾,系统阐释了...
  • 中学英语教师对学生学习策略指导现状研究_英语论文.doc
  • 中学英语教师对学生学习策略指导现状研究_英语论文 An Exploration of EFL Teachers’ Instructions on Students’ Learning Strategies 摘要 随着二语习得逐渐流行开来,同样作为其组成部分的以英语作为第二语言或者是外语领域也是如此。许多研究者就此领域为大众提供了很多理论与...
  • 看电影对二语习得的影响_英语论文.doc
  • 看电影对二语习得的影响_英语论文 Effects of Movie Watching on English learning 摘 要 看电影学英语是当下非常流行的一种学习方法,很多英语学习者希望通过这种方式既轻松又快捷地进行学习,从而改变语言学习单调枯燥的现状。与传统的英语教学方法相比,看英文电影学习...
  • 母语迁移对二语词汇习得的影响研究.docx
  • 母语迁移对二语词汇习得的影响研究 A Brief Study of Native Language Transfer in Second Language Vocabulary Acquisition 摘 要: 随着国际交流的快速发展,二语学习在国际舞台中的重要性日益凸显。在二语习得研究领域,母语迁移现象是影响学习者二语习得水平的一个至关重要的因素。...
  • 学习动机对二语习得的影响_英语教学论文
  • Abstract: College English major and non-English major students learning motivations are unstable, learning goals are unclear and English learning motivations are different. This paper will adopt the way of questionnaire and interview to investigate c...
  • 浅谈母语负迁移对儿童二语习得的影响_英语教学论文
  • Abstract: The Influence of native transfer in Second Language Acquisition is always an important area for linguists study, which is also the focus of the debate. In this paper, the author will analyze the impact on children's Second Language Acquisit...
  • 中国学生英语隐性范畴的习得:隐性类型与语言水平的作用_英语教学论文
  • ABSTRACT The researches about Whorf's notion of the covert category were few in the domestic and foreign language research, but it is of great importance due to the fact that it is considered by M.A.K.Halliday to be among the major contribution of li...
  • 二语习得中的年龄问题与语言习得关键期假说_英语教学论文
  • Abstract The age factor has been the focus of linguists in the field of Second Language Acquisition (SLA) research. This paper introduces the current situation of the research of age and second language acquisition from the concept of Critical Period...