- 母语负迁移对汉英翻译的影响_英语论文
- 母语负迁移对汉英翻译的影响_英语论文 A Study of the Negative Transfer of Mother Tongue in Chinese-English Translation 摘要 母语迁移是指学习者已经掌握的第一语言即母语知识影响第二语言习得过程和发展的现象,一直是备受国内外学者关注的研究课题。其中母语因其与外语的相似成分而对外语习得产生的助益的、积极的影响称作正迁移,反之,两种语言的相异成分对外语习得造成的反面的、消...
- 英语翻译中汉语负迁移的成因及解决策略_英语论文.doc
- 英语翻译中汉语负迁移的成因及解决策略 Causes and Solutions of the Negative Transfer from Chinese to English in Translation 摘要 中国学生在英语学习的过程中,汉语的负迁移已经是一个不容忽视的事实。负迁移是指母语的语言规则与某门外语的语言习惯不匹配而对外语学习产生的消极...
- 汉英翻译中中国英语调查_翻译专业英语论文
- Abstract: With the development of world globalization in economy, politics and culture, English, as one of the world globalization carriers, has been going through a revolution of globalization in full swing. As a type of English media, English has b...
- 汉英翻译中中式英语的分析_翻译专业英语论文
- Abstract: In the process of communicating between China and the rest of the world, English plays a role as a medium, which makes China understood by the world. However, when Chinese learners of English do translation from Chinese to English, their tr...
- 汉英翻译中中式英语深层原因探究_翻译专业英语论文
- 摘 要 中式英语 是所有中国人学英语时都会碰上的极为普遍、而又极为棘手的问题。它是指中国的英语学习和使用者由于受母语干扰和影响,硬套汉语规则和习惯,在英语交际中出现的不合规...
- 商铺名称汉英翻译研究_翻译专业英语论文
- 摘要 商铺名称作为一种静态的公示语,既表明了商铺的性质,又体现出商铺本身的服务特征,传达出丰富的文化信息。近年来,英文的普遍使用,使得英文店名在中国的大街上涌现,然而,一...
- 公示语汉英翻译的问题与对策_翻译专业英语论文
- Abstract and Key Words Abstract: Public signs refer to language intended to the public which offers public information for the purpose of instructing them or facilitating their lives. These signs include direction signs, road signs, billboards, warni...
- 汉语对外宣传材料的英译研究_翻译专业英语论文
- Abstract and Key Words Abstract: With China's implementation of the reform and opening-up policy since 1978 and the rapid growth of economic and information globalization, the need for China to communicate with the outside world is becoming increasin...
- 旅游资料汉英翻译中常见错误分析_翻译专业英语论文
- Abstract and Key Words Abstract: Tourism develops rapidly all over the country since the implementation of reforming and opening up policies in China. Translation of tourist materials is important to help foreign tourists to appreciate the scenic spo...
- 中英思维方式差异对汉英翻译句式变化的影响_翻译专业英语论文
- 摘要 思维对语言起着重要作用。由于中外思维方式的不同,汉英两种语言在诸多方面存在较大的差异。本文从汉英三种思维方式的差异出发,重点分析了主体思维和客体思维,曲线思维和直线...