- 西方传统节日对中国文化的影响_商务英语论文
- Abstract: With the frequent exchange between Chinese and Western culture exchanges have become increasingly. Many Chinese people have great passions for western traditional festivals but ignore Chinese traditional Festivals gradually. This paper aims...
- 西方文化渗入对中国文化的影响及对策_商务英语论文
- Abstract Nowadays, with the maturity of Internet and communications and the rapid development of the economic globalization, people in different nations are more closely interdependent and the world is becoming an international family. The growth of...
- 中国文化对英语学习的影响_英语教学论文
- Abstract: This paper mainly researches on the role of Chinese traditional culture in English study under the background of cross-cultural communication. It firstly introduces research significance and purpose as well as research objective; then, it d...
- 中国文化对中式英语的影响_英语教学论文
- Abstract: With the extensive use of English, more and more Chinese people start to learn English. However, Chinese English learners cannot speak and write idiomatic English, it has always been a headache problem. And there also appeared a controversi...
- 中式英语蕴含的中国文化_商务英语论文
- 摘要: 随着英语的全球化与本土化,中式英语产生并且不断发展。自上个世纪八十年代语言学家提出而中式英语的概念以来,中式英语一直饱受争议。语言是文化的一部分,并对文化起着重要...