- 虚假语用预设视角下TED演讲的言语幽默分析_英语论文.docx
TED 演讲,以其幽默风趣的内容,新颖的观点,受到了大众的喜爱。同时,TED演讲在全世界的风靡也引起了不少学者的关注。但前人的研究多集中在翻译、英语教学和跨文化交际领域。少有学者关注到 TED 演讲中言语幽默。
本文试图从虚假语用预设的角度来分析 TED 演讲...
- 从合作原则角度欣赏英语言语幽默——以《生活大爆炸》为例_商务英语论文
Abstract Humor is a widely attested and intuitively grasped aspect of human society, which has long been studied by researchers from the fields of psychology, aesthetics, linguistics, biology, philosophy etc.. Verbal humor as a branch of humor has vi...
- 《查莉的成长日记》中言语幽默的解读——基于合作原则的研究_英语文学论文
Abstract Humor is a common form of social communication, and it often makes people laugh. It can alleviate contradictions, mediate interpersonal relationship at the critical moment. Verbal humor is the essence of human language, which reflects the wi...
- 《破产姐妹》言语幽默的语用分析_商务英语论文
Abstract: Humor is a bridge that helps people socialize and communicate, making conversation interesting and life pleasant, which attracts attention of both domestic and foreign experts. American sitcom Two Broke Girls contains abundant verbal humor...
- 言语幽默在商务交际中的语用功能研究_商务英语论文
摘 要 随着世界经济全球化的发展,言语幽默对各类商务抉择日益展现着其不断扩大的影响力。因此,随之而来的则是专家学者们在前人研究的基础上将幽默研究更加具体化和详细化。作者以礼...
- 从关联理论研究《生活大爆炸》中的言语幽默_商务英语论文
Abstract As a special form of communication of the human being, humor can eliminate embarrassment and add flavor to our life; it is the embodiment of human wisdom and taste and it is the treasure of art of human languages. Since the frequent use of v...
- 从关联理论分析言语幽默_商务英语论文
摘 要 幽默是我们日常生活中常听到的一个词语。本文总结了现有的幽默研究理论,利用关联理论来分析言语幽默并在理论基础上初步讨论及解释英语言语幽默。论文从幽默的起源到后人的总结...
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