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  • 从修辞角度看英语谚语的汉译
  • 英语谚语的历史非常悠久,早在人类语言文字诞生之初便开始使用,一直传承至今。所以,英语谚语是英语语言文化的结晶。而英语谚语的生动形象,富有艺术感,内涵意义深厚,即成为了它的优点,有成了汉译的难点。翻译的过程包括理解和表达两个方面,英语谚语...
  • 功能对等理论在汉语新词英译中的应用_翻译专业英语论文
  • Abstract With the improvements of science and technology, the dissemination of information becomes easier and faster, and languages that reflect social life have been constantly updated. Words, as the most active part of language, spring up like mush...
  • 中国古诗词英译关于夸张的翻译策略研究_翻译专业英语论文
  • Abstract Poetry, a lyrical way to convey one's emotions, has existed for several millennia. Many nationalities are good at expressing themselves through poems. Among them Chinese classic poetry is reputed for its diversity in themes, rhetoric devices...
  • 国内企业官网翻译的现状及问题研究_翻译专业英语论文
  • Abstract With the rapid development of information technology and the wide use of the Internet, more and more enterprises in our country expand their products and services to all over the world. They set up their own web sites on the Internet, using...
  • 汉译英中的欠额翻译与超额翻译-以《岳阳楼记》为例_翻译专业英语论文
  • Abstract The process of translation is often a reappearance of the source text. In many cases, the target text needs to be equivalent to the original text, no matter in literal or liberal meaning. In Chinese-English translation, especially translatin...
  • 字幕翻译中的归化与异化-以《老友记》为例
  • 随着越来越多的外国影视作品进入中国市场,字幕翻译逐渐变成了翻译领域的一个新兴的分支。字幕翻译是帮助观众理解电影电视情节故事的辅助手段,本身承载着许多文化信息,为观众提供了一个了解外国文化的窗口。随着越来越多的中国人喜欢观看美国电影和电视...
  • 功能对等理论在中英广告翻译中的应用
  • 随着中国经济的发展,科技的进步,大众传媒的普及和全球经济一体化进程的加快,广告已经成为现代人生活中不可或缺或无法逃避的一部分。中国加入世界贸易组织以来,中国的发展越来越离不开世界这个大市场,各公司企业的发展都不再局限于国内市场,纷纷致力...
  • 《邓小平文选》第三卷中汉语新词及中国特色词汇的翻译策略研究
  • Translation Techniques of Chinese Neologisms and Words with Chinese Characteristics take Selected Works of Deng Xiaoping Ⅲ as an example Abstract This thesis intends to analyze translation techniques of Chinese neologisms and words with Chinese cha...
  • 从语义翻译和交际翻译的角度论清朝职官的英译
  • 摘要 本文旨在以彼特·纽马克的语义翻译和交际翻译的翻译理论为理论基础,分析探讨中国清代官职名称的英译,从而探索官职名称翻译及相似特定文化词语的有效英译方法。 作为中国古代官僚制度的重要组成部分,中国古代官职已经有千年的历史。中国古代官职数...