Abstract With the fast spread of internet technologies, more and more Chinese people have opportunities to enjoy latest western audiovisual materials on the internet and meanwhile subtitle translation groups emerge as unique groups of people who volu...
文章由RyanBecher上传 文章字数:7087 所需金币: 1000 个 更新时间:11-27 -
Abstract Functional equivalence theory is put forward by American translation theorist Eugene A.Nida. It consists of three aspects: meaning, style and readers response. Based on equivalence in meaning and style of the text, it emphasizes that the tar...
文章由Catnip上传 文章字数:7713 所需金币: 1000 个 更新时间:11-27 -
Abstract Diplomacy is an important device of communication between countries, and translation works as the bridge between communications. As an integral part of diplomacy, diplomatic translation plays an important role in the two-way conversion, barr...
文章由我还能坚持上传 文章字数:7257 所需金币: 1000 个 更新时间:11-27 -
摘要 二十世纪初期,中国古典诗歌的对外传播催生了庞德领导的新诗运动。庞德长期热衷于中国古典哲学和诗歌的研究,他所著的《华夏集》收录了中国十九首古诗,采用古为今用、中为西用...
文章由Fossette上传 文章字数:6135 所需金币: 1000 个 更新时间:11-27 -
Abstract The news reflects the newest tendency of society and culture, and the news translation is not only about the language transformation, but also the culture elements behind the words. In order to serve this purpose, in the news translation pro...
文章由贝贝上传 文章字数:6933 所需金币: 1000 个 更新时间:11-27 -
摘要 电影字幕翻译在中国才刚刚起步,因而属于一个新兴的领域,目前各方面的发展还不够完善且没有受到足够的重视,因而与西方国家相比较为落后,加上在中国相关的翻译论文和著作少之...
文章由Belloc上传 文章字数:6285 所需金币: 1000 个 更新时间:11-27 -
摘要 本文旨在探讨英文电影片名汉译时译者所遵循的理论及译者的价值取向。在21世纪,电影已经成为日常生活中不可或缺的一种娱乐方式。电影名对于电影而言就像帆对船而言,它言简意赅...
文章由墨尔本上传 文章字数:6495 所需金币: 1000 个 更新时间:11-27 -
摘要 旅游业已成为当今中国发展最快、最具活力的经济产业之一。中国具有悠久的历史和丰富多彩的各族文化,是许多国外游客心仪的文化旅游目的地。具有丰富文化特色的旅游文本的翻译对...
文章由VeraTheresa上传 文章字数:5715 所需金币: 1000 个 更新时间:11-27 -
Abstract Within the framework of the Skopos theory, this paper examines the translation of puns which are applied in the verdict poems of the beauties in Jin Ling as well as in the dialogues among characters in the two full text English versions of A...
文章由SamPope上传 文章字数:9520 所需金币: 1000 个 更新时间:11-27 -
Abstract In the long course of the development of human history, animals have a close relationship with human beings and play a big part in the human existence and development. There are so many words, idioms and expressions that are related to anima...
文章由important上传 文章字数:7629 所需金币: 1000 个 更新时间:11-27 -
Abstract Chinese and English both are languages most widely used in the world. There are more than 1,300,000,000 people who speak Chinese all around the world, and 1,800,000,000 people who use English as their mother tongue or second language in the...
文章由明朝千里别上传 文章字数:5411 所需金币: 1000 个 更新时间:11-27 -
摘要 欠值翻译是翻译实践中常见的现象,也是国内翻译理论研究普遍关注的问题。欠值翻译与超值翻译相对,是指译文承载的信息量小于原著的信息量,高估了译语读者的知识准备并忽略了译文...
文章由classic上传 文章字数:6859 所需金币: 1000 个 更新时间:11-27 -
Abstract International communications and cooperations are more and more, the topic Humorous Translation has drown scholars' wide attention. Because humorous translation not only creates a kind of comfortable talking environment for foreign friends,...
文章由Rims上传 文章字数:4935 所需金币: 1000 个 更新时间:11-27 -
摘要 不可译现象一直是翻译界争论的焦点之一。翻译是否可能,什么是不可译的争论从未停止过。但无论如何,翻译活动已经存在了几千年,而翻译中也一直存在着一些具体的无法翻译的地方...
文章由Disease上传 文章字数:5928 所需金币: 1000 个 更新时间:11-27 -
摘要: 国俗词语具有鲜明的民族文化含义,正确翻译这类词语对于不同民族语言间的跨文化交流具有总要意义。本文搜集了《京华烟云》中所有国俗词语的英译案例并对之进行分类分析描述。...
文章由旧巷里的少年郎上传 文章字数:6370 所需金币: 1000 个 更新时间:11-27