Abstract With China's successful accession to the WTO, more and more translators have realized that the importance of the translation of business laws. Many translation theories have been put forward, however, they only focus on practical translation...
文章由Jerry痞孓上传 文章字数:9262 所需金币: 1000 个 更新时间:11-27 -
[翻译专业]汪榕培《诗经• 风》英译的主体性研究_翻译专业英语论文
Abstract This thesis aims at studying translation from the theoretical perspective, based on the study of translators subjectivity of Wang Rongpei manifested in his version of the Book of Poetry, for the purpose of figuring out his translation strate...
文章由疏狂几曾上传 文章字数:12051 所需金币: 1000 个 更新时间:11-27 -
Abstract With the rapid development of Internet, Chinese netizens now can follow the latest Hollywood movies as well as the updated American TV series even simultaneously as their American counterparts do. American TV series, therefore, become popula...
文章由圆明园上传 文章字数:7330 所需金币: 1000 个 更新时间:11-27 -
Abstract The title of a film is its mark of identity, giving the first impression to audiences. Film titles play an important role in promoting films and attracting audiences. With more and more foreign films pouring into China, the problem of how to...
文章由Slagmale上传 文章字数:6089 所需金币: 1000 个 更新时间:11-27 -
Abstract This paper aims to discuss the translation strategies of the Chinese dish names based on the theory of text type theory and communicative translation proposed by Peter Newmark. The author first defines the Chinese dish name as a short title...
文章由明朝千里别上传 文章字数:7851 所需金币: 1000 个 更新时间:11-27 -
Abstract Advertising, as an important source of information, has become an indispensable part in sales promotion. Meanwhile, the globalization of markets also means companies today are dealing with an incredibly varied target group, with many differe...
文章由OOPSLOOK上传 文章字数:7673 所需金币: 1000 个 更新时间:11-27 -
Abstract There is a close connection between linguistic form and ideology. As a mass media, news is influenced by the ideology of the writer. The ideology guides the text structure, sentence structure and words. In translating, the translator recreat...
文章由迷人hero上传 文章字数:5832 所需金币: 1000 个 更新时间:11-27 -
Abstract This thesis titled A Study of Xu Yuanchongs Subjectivity in Tang Poems Translated into English following the guidance of the relationship between translators subjectivity and the Chinese classics translated into English, probing into relevan...
文章由玫瑰与鹿上传 文章字数:10915 所需金币: 1000 个 更新时间:11-27 -
Abstract This thesis focuses on study of Yang Xianyi couple and the subjectivity he manifests in translating Selected Stories of Lu Hsun. Discusses the following questions: What is subjectivity of translator? What is Yang Xianyi subjectivity in Sel...
文章由Awesome上传 文章字数:13465 所需金币: 1000 个 更新时间:11-27 -
摘 要 随着当今世界经济一体化和中国加入世界贸易组织,我国市场不仅仅局限于可见的有形物品,还包括各种无形商品,商品交易也不再局限于本国国内市场。在这样的市场环境下,商标名称...
文章由小确幸上传 文章字数:7258 所需金币: 1000 个 更新时间:11-27 -
摘 要 习语是某一语言在使用过程中形成的独特而固定的表达方式。习语是语言的精华,它们承载着一个民族的文化特色和文化信息。本文所要讨论的习语是广义的、包括成语、谚语、歇后语、...
文章由Beher上传 文章字数:5079 所需金币: 1000 个 更新时间:11-27 -
摘 要 中国的命名文化由来已久,中国人历来重视取名,在姓名中往往寄寓了人们美好的愿望或特定的意义。长篇巨著《红楼梦》中人物之多,取名之巧妙,体现中国命名文化之丰富受到众多学...
文章由Fossette上传 文章字数:5755 所需金币: 1000 个 更新时间:11-27 -
摘 要 功能对等理论是奈达翻译理论的核心,他指出意义贴切最重要,形式其次。1960年,奈达最初提出的是动态对等理论,后来在1986年出版的《从一种语言到另一种语言》一书中将其修订为功...
文章由玫瑰与鹿上传 文章字数:6224 所需金币: 1000 个 更新时间:11-27 -
摘 要 作为20世纪最伟大的诗人之一,庞德以诗人和译者的双重身份对现代诗歌做出了巨大贡献。庞德是美国20世纪初新诗运动开风气之先的人物,他所发起的意象派诗歌运动最初目的是对维多...
文章由天然蓝上传 文章字数:6337 所需金币: 1000 个 更新时间:11-27 -
摘 要 德国功能派翻译理论家于20世纪 70年代提出翻译目的论, 突破了传统翻译理论,为企业简介的翻译研究提供了新的视角。该理论以目的论(Skopostheorie)为中心, 认为目的法则才是所有翻译...
文章由Sunshine上传 文章字数:7074 所需金币: 1000 个 更新时间:11-27